Give Your Time

“Use your talents, do your best, contribute. Make a difference, because you can.”

–Bonnie L. Mohr

Find Volunteer Opportunities at Three Links.

Questions? Call us at 507-664-8800.

Volunteers play a special role in supporting Three Links. Their time and talents help us maintain our active, vibrant senior community. There are many opportunities to get involved and make a difference in the lives of the residents we serve. We would love to hear from you!


Ways to Get Involved:

  • Friendly visitor: Visit with assigned resident- play games, read, walks, crafts
  • Adopt-a-grandparent: Visit with a resident to form a special bond
  • Love to bake? Bake in the activity kitchen with residents
  • Dining room hostess: Serve coffee, greet and escort to and from dining room
  • Musical volunteer: Share your talent
  • Bus ride fun: Help residents to and from their room for bus ride adventures
  • Travel presenter: Give a presentation about a place you have traveled to
  • Walking buddies: Walk and talk with a resident and enjoy the outdoor beauty at the same time
  • Reading assistant: Read to residents
  • Garden helper: Assist residents with the outside garden including watering, planting and harvesting
  • Science experiments: Assist with easy household science experiments with residents
  • Dining companion: Visit with a resident during a meal
  • Devotions/prayer volunteer: Read prayers and devotions with residents
  • Bingo Helper: Assist residents in playing bingo
  • Church Helper: Assist residents in walking to the chapel for Saturday church service
  • Manicures: Paint residents’ nails and enjoy conversation
  • Veterans group leader: Lead a small group of veterans in conversation and connection


Benefits from Volunteering:


  • Volunteering with seniors can help to create a wealth of knowledge for those who engage with older people
  • Volunteering at a senior living community can bolster your resume by showcasing skill such as organizing tasks and specials events
  • Building relationships is a great way to build your networking skills by strengthening your communication skills
  • Providing your own peace of mind knowing you are doing a great deed for others in need
  • Making new friends

We believe nursing homes should have a reputation for being fun places to visit. In a nursing home, people are provided with a nurse’s care, but nurses aren’t the only caregivers. Besides the obvious medical care, residents also need mental, social and spiritual stimulation to keep their minds healthy — this is where the fun comes in, and where you can make a difference.