Financial Assistance Information

Assisted living can be expensive, and it can be challenging to pay for it without the appropriate financial planning

Fortunately, Minnesota has a program called the Elderly Waiver that can assist seniors in paying for the services they need.

The Elderly Waiver helps pay for home and community-based services for eligible seniors. The program is designed to help seniors live in dignity and as independently as possible so they can continue to contribute and be a part of the communities in which they live.

To learn more about the Elderly Waiver program in Minnesota, you can visit the Minnesota Department of Human Services website by using the link you provided ( On this website, you can find information on eligibility requirements, how to apply for the program, and a list of services that are covered by the waiver.

To apply for the Elderly Waiver, you can contact your local county human services agency or the Senior LinkAge Line® at 1-800-333-2433. They can provide you with information on the application process and help you determine if you are eligible for the program.

In addition to the Elderly Waiver program, there may be other resources available to help seniors pay for assisted living in Minnesota, such as Veterans Affairs benefits or long-term care insurance. It’s important to explore all your options to ensure that you can afford the care you need